Tarissa Tiberti
SculpturePhotographsCollage Drawings
By confecting materials or objects, I become an ornamentalist. As with icing a cake, a reference to making something sweet by covering, I utilize decoration in the same manner. In architecture, ornamentation is used to articulate the skin of the building or to decorate the raw structure. Thus, the adornments operate as a means to encase the object in a sugar coated environment. The garnished elements dulcify the viewer evoking the feeling of something sweet, perhaps reminiscent or comforting. Clothing the objects in this context provides a confected appearance, which is created by an artificial sweetener. The significance or function of an object can shift with each portion of detailing.

It is the seduction created by ornamentation, both in pastries and architecture that entices me. Highly ornate objects, whether large or small, are alluring and draw the viewer closer. The desire to embellish the things we eat and the buildings we inhabit is curious. There is an ambition to combine the grandiose scale of architecture with the preciseness of pastries. I aspire to confect and ornament objects to create environments that are alluring to the senses.
The importance is of the desire to ornament.